Sunday, August 1, 2010

ansys 10 installation process

Procedure of Installation:

1. Copy everything in Ansys 10 folder to your hard disk (preferrably not to C drive)

2. Go to Start - run - enter cmd. You will get command DOS prompt. Type ipconfig /all and press enter.
You will get details of your system.
Note down Host name and physical address.

3. Enter Ansys 10 folder in your hard disk. Enter ans10 lic folder.Open ansys DAT file with note pad and in that,

4. Double click keygen. The key for the software will be automatically created. For cross checking open license file
with notepad and confirm what changes you made in the previous step are updated.
Press back and enter Ansys 10 folder.

5. Double click setup. Wait till installation is over. After this, it will ask you to run
license set up and locate the license file in ans10 lic folder.

6. Go to Start - Programs - ANSYS FLEXlm manager - FLEXlm LMTOOLS utility. You will get a
dialogue box. Open config services.
1. specify path to lmgrd32.exe file.It will be available in Ansys 10\license setup folder.
2. specify path of license file. It will be available in ans10 lic folder.
3. In the path to debug file, simply enter LOG.
4. Press Save Service button several times.

7. Then force stop the server and start again. Wait till Server started succesfully appear
8. Then press reread license file. Wait till license file reread successfully.
9. Close.A
10. Installation is over. You can start ANSYS by going to start - program - Ansys 10.0 - Ansys Product launcher - Press Run.

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